ShunHair is a popular and stylishly-curated hair blog that provides an expansive range of valuable hair care and hairstyling advice. Catering to the fashion-forward and trendy audience, ShunHair offers a plethora of insights into the latest hair trends, styles, and techniques. With its impeccably written and well-researched content, the blog has established itself as a trusted source of information for both amateur and professional hairstylists alike. From featuring celebrity styles to providing handy hair care tips, ShunHair offers comprehensive and insightful hair articles to enable its readers to achieve salon-quality hair without ever having to step foot in a salon.


Hairstyle articles
Hairstyle categories
Years of Experience
Authors / Reviewers

Grilling trends

Created by an expert team of passionate haircare enthusiasts, ShunHair is dedicated to bringing forth the latest and greatest hair trends and techniques to inspire and empower its readers to look and feel their best.

Whether you are looking for advice on how to maintain healthy hair or want to explore the latest hairstyles, ShunHair has everything you need to keep your locks looking spectacular. Join the ShunHair community today and discover the ultimate source of hair inspiration and education!

Why join us?

Educational and Inspirational Content

From step-by-step tutorials to product reviews, the blog's content is highly engaging and informative, making it an ideal resource for anyone looking to take their hair game to the next level.

Access to Expert Advice and Industry Trends

We provide exclusive access to expert hairstylists and beauty professionals who regularly share their insights, tips, and industry trends.

Opportunity for Exposure and Networking

For hair stylists and beauty professionals, ShunHair can be an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals, get exposure to new clients and expand one's social media presence.

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Review process at

The article review process includes a written piece, edited for clarity and conciseness, reviewed for accuracy and completeness, and approved by the author.

The draft should be clear and concise, and it should include all of the information that the writters want to include in the final version.

Remove any unnecessary information and make sure that all of the information that is included is easy to understand.

The review team checks all of the facts and figures that are included in the article and make sure that they are correct.

The final step is to send to the author and sign off on the final version before publishing the articles on ShunHair

Meet the team

Maariyah Kaufman is a skilled and highly-reputed hairstylist, an innovative and trendsetting blog dedicated to all things hair

Maariyah Kaufman

Author Editor Reviewer

Harmony Sutton is a prominent hairstylist, a premier hair style blog that offers expert tips, trends, and insights to fashion-conscious readers

Harmony Sutton

Author Reviewer Hairstylist

Sadia Roberts is a renowned hairstylist, one of the most prominent hair style blogs in the industry

Sadia Roberts

Author Reviewer Hairstylist

With years of experience in the industry, Bethan has honed her skills to become a specialist in crafting stunning hairstyles that accentuate her clients' natural beauty

Kayla McCann is a renowned hairstylist who has made a significant impact in the world of hair styling. Her vast expertise in the industry makes her stand out as one of the leading hairstylists

Kayla Mccann

Author Reviewer

Hanna Cisneros is a talented hairstylist with extensive experience in the hair industry